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Legal structure


Moncrieff is a trading name of Moncrieff Financial Consultancy Limited Registered in England and Wales number 012875566. VAT registration number 358 6955 38. The registered office of Moncrieff Financial Consultancy Limited is Solcum Lodge, Blakeshall Lane, Wolverley, Worcs, DY11 5XL


Professional indemnity insurance is with QBE UK Limited, Registered office, Plantation Place , 30 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 3BD. policy number 00026189PIC


Moncrieff Financial Consultancy Limited is registered with The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales , registered number C0088624215


We are subject to the ICAEW Code of Ethics which can be found at, section 3. If a conflict of interest should arise, either between two or more of our clients, or in the provision of multiple services to a single client, we will take such steps as are necessary to deal with the conflict. In resolving the conflict, we would be guided by the ICAEW Code of Ethics, section 3, sub-section 220.

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